Making the Umwelt Bubble of the Modern Synthesis Burst"
In his 2021 journal article , "Making the Umwelt Bubble of the Modern Synthesis Burst," published in Biosemiotics , Morten Tønnessen challenges the dominant paradigm in evolutionary biology, known as the Modern Synthesis . This paradigm, established in the mid-20th century, primarily focuses on genetic mutation and natural selection as the driving forces of evolution. Tønnessen, however, argues for a broader perspective that incorporates the concept of Umwelt , a term coined by Jakob von Uexküll, a Baltic German biologist who pioneered the field of biosemiotics. The Modern Synthesis: A Limited Viewpoint The Modern Synthesis has been criticized for its reductionist approach. It tends to view organisms as mere vehicles for genes, overlooking the complex interactions between organisms and their environments. This narrow focus neglects the role of semiosis , the process of interpreting signs and making meaning, which is fundamental to how organisms perceive and inter...